42.8 °F |

  7.0 mph |

  81 %


The Mountain

About Blacktail

Everyone starts at the top on Blacktail Mountain!

Views from Flathead Lake to Glacier Park and of the Mission, Whitefish, and Cabinet Ranges surround.

With our lodge and parking located at the top of the mountain, even beginners get to experience the best snow and spectacular views. 

At Blacktail, step out of your car and get a top to bottom run in before riding a chair!

Average annual snowfall: 250″

100% natural snow

General Stats:

Over 1000 acres of National Forest
1440′ of vertical elevation
Top elevation: 6780′
Longest Run: 1.75 miles


15% Easier
65% More Difficult
20% Most Difficult


Thunderhead: Double Chair
Olympic: Triple Chair
Crystal: Double Chair
Magic Carpet: Surface Conveyor

Lift Capacity: 3900 people/hour


The Blacktail Mountain X-Country Ski Trails are not actually a part of the ski area. They are maintained by the North Shore Nordic Club using volunteers and through local fundraising efforts. Visit their website at www.northshorenordic.org.

The trailhead and main parking area are located off Blacktail Road about 8 miles up from US 93.  There is a small upper parking area about 1.5 miles farther up Blacktail Road.  The trails are groomed for classic and skate skiing seven days a week from December 1 through March 31, weather permitting.  No motorized vehicles, snow bikes or walking without snowshoes are permitted on the groomed trails at anytime.